Publications of project participants

Publications of project participants

Feb 02, 17
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Morze, N., & Vasylenko, S. (2020). Report 1. Innovative teaching and best practices: ukrainian universities. Electronic Scientific Professional Journal “Open educational e-environment of modern university”, 1-68. Available from:

Morze, N., Boiko, M., Vember, V., Buinytska, O., & Vasylenko, S. (2020). Report 2. 3d mapping of ukrainian educational system. Electronic Scientific Professional Journal “Open educational e-environment of modern university”, 1-119.  Available from:

Morze, N., Boiko, M., Vember, V., & Dziabenko, O. (2020). Report 3. Methodological and technical design of innovative classroom. Electronic Scientific Professional Journal “Open educational e-environment of modern university”, 1-119.

Morze, N., Boiko, M., Vember, V., & Buinytska, O. (2020). Report 4. Building the digital competence teacher profile by innovative teaching instruments . Electronic Scientific Professional Journal “Open educational e-environment of modern university”, 1-71.

Morze, N., Vember, V., Boiko, M., & Varchenko-Trotsenko, L. (2020). Organization of steam lessons in the innovative classroom. Electronic Scientific Professional Journal “Open educational e-environment of modern university”, (8), 88-106. Available from:

Hrynevych, L., Morze , N., & Boiko, M. (2020). Scientific education as the basis for innovative competence formation in the conditions of digital transformation of the society. Information Technologies and Learning Tools, 77(3), 1-26. Available from:

Palamar, S., Nezhyva, L., Vaskivska, H., Vaschenko, O., Bondarenko, G., & Naumenko, M. (2020). Health-saving competence of future primary school teachers: indicators of development. In III International Scientific Congress Society of Ambient Intelligence 2020 (ISC-SAI 2020) (pp. 307-315). Atlantis Press. Available from:



Morze, N., Vember, V. & Boiko, M. (2019). Using of digital technologies for formative assessment. Electronic Scientific Professional Journal “Open educational e-environment of modern university”. 202-214. Available from:

Varchenko-Trotsenko, L., Tiutiunnyk, A. & Terletska, T. (2019). Using video materials in electronic learning courses. Electronic Scientific Professional Journal “Open educational e-environment of modern university”, 375-382. Available from:

Morze, N. & Varchenko-Trotsenko, L. (2019). The use technologies of “flip” learning based on using video materials. Scientific journal of NPU named after MP Drahomanov. Series №2. Computer-based learning systems: Coll. Science. wash. с. 10-17. ISSN 2411-8869. Available from:

Morze, N. & Vember, V. (2019). Implementation of peer assessment in educational process. Electronic Scientific Professional Journal “Open educational e-environment of modern university”, (6), 44-54. Available from:

Gladun, M. (2019). Current aspects of the introduction of the technology of “flip learning” In: International Scientific and Technical Conference “Innovative Technologies in Education”, April 9-11, 2019, Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine.  Available from:

Vorotnykova, I. (2019). Using the Go-Lab software for the electronic collaboration of teachers and students in the research environment. Electronic Scientific Professional Journal “Open educational e-environment of modern university”, 405-417. Available from:

Vorotnykova, I. (2019). Conditions for forming the teacher’s digital competency in the postgraduate education. Electronic Scientific Professional Journal “Open educational e-environment of modern university”, (6), 101-118. Available from:

Varchenko-Trotsenko, L., Vember, V. & Terletska, T. (2019). Main aspects of educational video materials design for use in educational process of higher educational institutions. Electronic Scientific Professional Journal “Open educational e-environment of modern university”, (7), 119-126. Available from:

Buinytska, O. & Vasylenko, S. (2019). Using e-courses to enhance the future teachers` digital competence. Electronic Scientific Professional Journal “Open educational e-environment of modern university”, 44-62. Available from:

Morze, N., Vember, V., & Varchenko-Trotsenko, L. (2019). How to create an effective flipped learning sequence in higher education. Vol. 11. 139-160. Available from:

Morze, N., Vember, V., & Gladun, M. (2019). 3D mapping of digital competency in ukrainian education system. Information Technologies and Learning Tools, 70(2), 28-42. Available from:

Morze, N., Smyrnova-Trybulska, E. & Boiko, M. (2019). The Impact of Educational Trends on the Digital Competence of Students in Ukraine and Poland. In E.Smyrnova-Trybulska (Ed.) . E-Learning and STEM Education, „E-Learning“. Katowice-Cieszyn: Studio Noa for University of Silesia. 2019. 365-379. vailable from:




Morze, N., Vasylenko, S., & Gladun, M. (2018). Ways to improve the motivation of university teachers to develop their digital competence. Electronic Scientific Professional Journal “Open educational e-environment of modern university”, (5), 160-177. Available from:

Vember, V. (2018). Using the Go-Lab ecosystem to organize inquiry-based learning. Electronic Scientific Professional Journal “Open educational e-environment of modern university”, (5), 41-50. Available from:

Vember, V. & Nastas, D. (2018). The use of cloud services for peer-to-peer interaction in the learning process. Problems of informatization of the educational process in institutions of general secondary and higher education: Proceedings of the All-Ukrainian scientific-practical conference, October 9, 2018, Kyiv. Contributor: N.P. Franchuk K.: Published by NPU named after Dragomanova, 2018. 110 c. С.10-12. Available from:

Morze, N., Buinytska, O. & Varchenko-Trotsenko, L. (2018). Personal office of the participant of educational process in the Moodle system. Problems of informatization of the educational process in institutions of general secondary and higher education: Proceedings of the All-Ukrainian scientific-practical conference, October 9, 2018, Kyiv. Contributor: N.P. Franchuk. K .: Published by NPU named after MP Dragomanova, 2018. 110 c. С.33-35. Available from:

Morze, N., Smyrnova-Trybulska, E. & Gladun, M. (2018). Selected aspects of IBL in STEM-education, E-learning and Smart Learning Environment for the Preparation of New Generation Specialists. Vol. 10. 2018. Pp. 361-380. ISSN: 2451-3644 (print edition) ISSN 2451-3652 (digital edition) ISBN: 978-83-66055-05-6. Available from: